The 30+ years of success that Fossil Creek Little League has had is from no small part of our amazing coaches. We have coaches that have been with our league for over 10 years. Each fall we recruit coaches for the fall and following spring season. Coach volunteers can be first timers or seasoned. Moms, dads, aunts & uncles even grand parents. Experienced coaches are preferred but beginners are also welcome. Little League University is a great online training tool to help beginner coaches develop their coaching skills. FCLL also has a Coaching Coordinator as a resource for ideas and suggestions.
Responsibilities of a Little League Coach
The coach is the team leader. He or she is responsible for scheduling and running meaningful practices. Developing game time player placements and game strategies. Besides being the team leader they should also be a good role model for our players. Good sportsmanship and respect is a cornerstone of Little League.
To volunteer as a FCLL Coach, please sign into your account and click on the volunteer tab (person icon if on your phone) and select the position. Please note, this isn't a guarantee and depends on registration numbers and the need for additional teams in that division.